Why Unity?

Why Unite My City?

Here's an excerpt from Jason Law’s new book - Unite My City “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me...
Why Unity?

Why Is Unity Important?

Why is unity in The Church important?  Unity in the Church is the heart and desire of God.  Jesus is not divided.  There is only one Jesus.  The Body of…

Why Unity?

Bond of Unity

In our last article, we shared unity is not uniformity. Unity is different – it simply means conforming to one purpose without sacrificing individuality. Unity is only possible where humility…

Why Unity?

Unity is Found in Humility

Unity is not uniformity. Unity is different, it simply means conforming to one purpose without sacrificing individuality. Unity is only possible where humility exists. It can manifest itself in acts…

How Does Unity Work? Why Unity?

United We Pray

Sometimes, the ‘United States of America’ sounds like an oxymoron. While the name itself states that we’re a united nation, politics, racial tension and other issues can often make our…